4 Reasons To Go for All-Natural Skincare Products Today

Nov 04, 2022

Any woman who cares about her skin is most likely using a lot of products to maintain it. Take it from the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a non-profit that aims to educate consumers on the ingredients of their skincare and cosmetic products: according to their database, the average woman utilizes about a dozen products daily. These products, all combined, can add up to 150 different ingredients!

Unless they’re extremely discerning about what they put on their skin, though, the chances of the average person scrutinizing their products’ ingredient lists are extremely low. Most just grab whatever looks or smells good off the shelf.

That being said, being more informed about what gets absorbed into your skin can hardly be a bad thing. You never know how they could be affecting you. Here at the Inspire Wellness Store, we’re huge proponents of all-natural skincare products as a far better alternative to the ones you find at your local drugstore. Here’s why:

They don’t contain harmful ingredients

While further research is needed to determine whether certain ingredients are good or bad for you, there are some ingredients that have already been extensively studied and proven to actually be harmful. These include artificial fragrances, coal tar, formaldehyde, lead, parabens, phthalates, and sulfates such as sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate, among others. 

When you use products that contain these ingredients, you may experience hormonal disruptions, irritation, or allergic reactions. Some of these ingredients have also been categorized as carcinogens and are highly toxic to the body.

All-natural skincare products, such as the ones we offer here at Inspire Health, are free of these components. We make an effort to be fully transparent about the ingredients we use: you can find a full list of them on every product page on our website. If you aren’t sure about a certain term, you can easily Google it and find more information.

They’re nutrient-rich

All-natural skincare products make use of ingredients that are derived from nature. Just like incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet makes you healthier, products that are made using organic and natural ingredients are similarly packed with vitamins and minerals that are all highly beneficial to the skin.

When you use all-natural skincare products, you harness the power of Mother Nature herself, from which all life springs forth. Your skin will love being treated to Vitamins C, D, and E, healthy fatty acids, and powerful antioxidants from natural sources.

They take your sensitivities into consideration

It isn’t uncommon to experience allergic reactions when you try out certain skincare products. Most people simply discontinue their use, though, instead of identifying what triggered it. 

In most cases, the culprit is a synthetic ingredient. That’s the beauty of the human body: it can instinctively protect itself against threats, and will reject anything that it deems dangerous. 

Here at Inspire Wellness, we take great care in ensuring that all of our products are as safe as they are beneficial. In addition to being organic and natural, our products are also medical-grade–they’re the very same ones we recommend to all of our patients when necessary.

They’re environmentally friendly

A lot of people can go their entire lives without realizing how seemingly innocuous actions can impact the environment. Skincare is a prime example of this. Once the products go down the drain, few spare a thought for where those ingredients go, never mind how they’ll affect our planet.

It should come as no surprise that any ingredients that are harmful and toxic to your body can cause just as much damage to the environment. Some substances and chemicals in many drugstore products simply cannot be broken down at wastewater treatment facilities, and end up getting released back into our waterways and oceans. 

From there, they end up harming marine life. Common culprits include oxybenzone and octinoxate, which have been linked to the bleaching and destruction of coral reefs. Parabens are also as toxic to marine mammals as they are to humans. Plastic microbeads, usually found in drugstore exfoliants, are an obvious pollutant; what’s worse is that they end up in the digestive tracts of fish and other wildlife who mistake them for food. 

In this regard, what goes around certainly can come around. Without exerting a conscious effort, the effects that these chemicals have on our environment will eventually affect us directly. 

Switching to all-natural skincare products can seem like a small contribution, but every little bit helps. With organic ingredients derived from natural sources, there is little to no chance of these products disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystem. 

These are only a few reasons why all-natural skincare products are clearly head and shoulders above other offerings in the market. Make the switch today and turn to us here at Inspire Wellness for all your skincare needs now.